

Some Questions & Answers

We are experienced in the delivery of therapeutic services for children, young people, and adults. Issues that Family Connexions can assist with include:

  • Post- natal attachment difficulties
  • Other attachment difficulties – reconnect with your child
  • Impact of family violence
  • Impact of trauma
  • Emotional and behavioural regulation
  • Anxiety
  • Grief
Family Connexions is an out reach service. We come to you at a time that works for you and your family. You don’t need a referral, just call or email to get in touch.
Absolutely yes. Many children have NDIS care/treatment goals that are best worked toward with the provision of Interplay Therapy, Child Centred Play Therapy, Filial Therapy or the Safe and Sound Protocol. Such goals might be set due to the presence of, for example, anxiety, the need for some self-regulation, selective mutism, antisocial behaviours, or attachment difficulties.
At this stage, no.
The fundamental difference is the presence of a qualified and experienced therapist within the play situation. We are all familiar with ‘talking’ therapies where self -discovery depends on verbal communication. When children (and adults) have been traumatised (loss of a sibling, parent -child separation, car accident, environmental abuse and/or neglect to name but a few) the body retains the trauma and for this reason and developmentally a child (or adult) my not be able to put words to their experience. The therapist creates a felt experience of safety through attunement, relationship and authenticity that allows for expression of emotions and create new stories -through play.
I travel to your home or to your child’s school – if arrangements have been made of course. I have a kit of toys that I travel with that will support your child/and you to express emotions, explore alternative scenarios or endings to the family story while promoting attunement and attachment within a safe relationship.
The first part of our work together is an assessment of the history, current situation and the needs/goals of the child and family. Together we will develop a treatment plan – the best way to get to where the family is wanting to be. The plan is essentially a ‘work in progress’ and can be revised at any time as the current situation evolves. Depending on the family situation, interventions can include Interplay Therapy for the parent and child, Child Centred Play Therapy for the child, Parent- Child Relationship training for the parents/carers or indeed a combination of both and therapies may be complimented with the Safe and Sound Protocol. What ever the combination my principles remain the same: attachment focussed and relationship based.
This is a difficult question to answer and depends on many factors such as ongoing availability, response to therapy, severity of symptoms, financial considerations, to name a few! It is often difficult to determine how many sessions your child might require to get the most out of therapy and make the internal changes necessary to explore difficult emotions and improve maladaptive behaviours and relationships. Although this may seem daunting, a commitment to therapy whilst your child is young may avoid entrenched behaviours, thoughts and feelings that can be more difficult to change as the child becomes older and moves through adolescence and adulthood.
Your child is part of a system that includes school, perhaps other service providers, sporting clubs etc. I encourage communication between myself and any part of the system that might improve outcomes for your child. For example, having communication with class teachers is often helpful in getting a broader understanding of the needs of your child and tracking improvements outside of the home environment. Any contact made would be done as part of a discussion between the therapist and parents/guardians and only when verbal and written permission is recieved. Permission given may be withdrawn at any time.